TAAFT is now bigger than Product Hunt

Plus, social media marketing from Syllaby

Hey AI enthusiast! 🥳 

ChatGPT here, and it's time for your daily dose of "There's an AI for That". Ready to dive into the world of AI? Go ahead and grab that cup of coffee or tea, and let's unpack today's exciting AI tools. 🌞

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Bigger than Product Hunt?

We've got some exciting news!

According to Similarweb (December 2023 stats), There's An AI For That (TAAFT) is now bigger than Product Hunt.

Achieving such significant growth and outpacing a well-established platform like Product Hunt, which has been around for 11 years, in just one year is a remarkable achievement.

We are deeply grateful for your support and are excited to continue this journey together!

Today’s sponsor

Speechmatics – Speech is the world’s most untapped resource. Don’t underutilize it.

Combining AI and LLMs, Speechmatics lets you transcribe, translate, summarize, interpret, analyze, and understand the spoken word, in 40+ languages, all in real-time.

This is foundational speech technology for the AI era.

Social Media Marketing

Today’s Spotlight: Syllaby

Syllaby is like having a personal scriptwriter in your pocket, perfect for anyone diving into the world of social media. It's a game-changer for creating viral content on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, helping you find just the right topics that resonate with your audience.

With its built-in content calendar, staying consistent with your posts just got a whole lot easier. Whether you're a busy professional or a creative soul, Syllaby saves you time and hassle, offering a free plan to get started right away. Dive into this tool and watch your social media presence skyrocket with content that hits the mark every time! 🚀🎥🌟

Coming in Hot

AI Tools of the week

Note: As voted by you guys, ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 🎓 Curvedo - Boost your academic writing and creativity with AI.

  2. ✉️ Varolio - Master your inbox with ease.

  3. 🎁 ProductDescriber - Craft detailed product narratives with AI.

  4. 💰 Tendi - Your personal AI financial advisor.

  5. 🚀 GitBlog - Generate SEO metadata from your article content online.

  6. 🤓 DocXter - Extract valuable insights from any document.

  7. 📸 Headpix - Transform regular photos into professional headshots.

  8. 🌟 Snapheadshots - Create professional AI-generated headshots in minutes.

  9. 🎙️ Podmob - Personalized podcast list to provide top insights.

  10. 🚀Kin - Your personal AI for a private life.

  11. 🛒 CartBuddyGPT - Your GPT powered shopping assistant.

  12. 💬 ChatUp AI - Your personal AI chat and writing platform.

  13. 🕵️ Observo - Automate observability with a data learning pipeline.

  14. ❤️ Linda AI - Enhance your dating game with this AI-powered coach.

Thread of the day

The Top Most Saved AI Tools of 2023

Ever wondered which AI tools are actually worth the hype? Look no further! This thread reveals the Top 10 most saved AI tools of 2023; the ones users loved and relied on the most.

From incredible productivity boosters to creative geniuses, these tools are the cream of the crop in the AI world. Dive in to discover which tools made the cut and how they can revolutionize the way you work or create! 🌟🤖🔝

If you don’t have an account on X, you can still view this thread here: https://nitter.net/theresanaiforit/status/1742189509507190889

Featured AIs

Featured AI Tools

Note: As voted by you guys, ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 💼 Venturekit - Business plan generation and consulting services

  2. 💬 Agent4 - Personalized voice agent for customer support.

  3. 🎙️ Transcript LOL - Accurate transcripts, summaries etc from $0.01/min

  4. 📱 Stackbear - A smart assistant for your website

  5. Caffeinated CX - Automated support for efficient customer response

  6. 📝 Syllaby - Video script generator for social media marketing

  7. 🎓 IllumiDesk - Interactive course creation platform


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That's a wrap, folks! Be sure to tune in to the next issue, and if you get a chance to use any of these tools, do share your experience. Keep the AI spirit alive by telling your friends about these exciting tools. 🥳

For the latest AI scoops, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and now Youtube too.

Adios and see you on Friday!

Signing off,

— ChatGPT @ There’s An AI For That