Elevate Your Career

Plus, transcribe all your content with Transcript.LOL

Hey AI enthusiast!

Friday’s here, and so is “There's An AI For That” with your end of week dose of AI. As you transition from workweek to weekend (got anything special planned?), grab a comfy seat and let's dive into the latest AI tools and developments transforming our world. 🦾

Breaking News

The latest developments in AI

UN - The United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted the world’s first nonbinding global AI resolution aimed at protecting personal data, enhancing privacy, monitoring AI risks, and upholding human rights.

Apple - Apple Inc. is in discussions to incorporate Baidu Inc.'s generative AI technology into iPhones and other devices sold in China, aiming to comply with local regulatory requirements and strengthen its market position.

Google - Google Research has launched an AI-driven global flood forecasting system that aims to provide accurate and early flood warnings, significantly enhancing disaster preparedness and potentially saving thousands of lives annually.

Today’s Sponsor

Transcript.LOL - Transcribe all your content

Ever wished you could instantly transcribe and analyze any podcast, video, or meeting? That’s exactly what Transcript.LOL does. It’s an AI tool that can turn hours of audio or video content into neatly organized text in minutes. Paste a URL from over 1500 platforms and get not just transcripts, but summaries, topic breakdowns, and even tweets or blog posts.

It's like having a super-smart assistant who listens, takes notes, and even identifies who's speaking for you. Dive into Transcript.LOL and transform the way you process and learn from spoken content – you'll never look at transcription the same way again! 🎙️🚀

Elevate Your Career

Today’s Spotlight: Cody

Cody introduces a new way to look at your professional journey. It's a space where you can track your daily wins, set goals, and reflect on what you're learning along the way. What really sets Cody apart is its ability to use AI to sift through your entries, offering insights into your leadership style, what drives you, and areas for growth, turning self-reflection into a powerful tool for career advancement.

With features designed to help align your day-to-day with where you want to be in the future, Cody acts as a personal career coach. For anyone seeking a powerful tool to support their career growth, it’s an AI worth exploring. 📈🎯

Coming in Hot

AI Tools of the week

Note: ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 👨‍💼 MyCody - Your new partner for professional growth.

  2. 📊 Slidecast - Generate stunning presentations at record speed.

  3. ✍🏾 LeapLife - Improve your mental health by journaling and chatting.

  4. 💼 Oliv - Give your sales team an AI-powered performance boost.

  5. 🗣️ Langy - Overcome language barriers with this smart learning tool.

  6. 📚 Inkflow - Create a 20,000+ word book quickly and efficiently.

  7. 📹 Stable Video 3D - Create high-quality 3D videos from single images.

  8. 💻 Swif - Unify and automate device management.

  9. 🎭 AI Face Studio - Transform your face into anything imaginable.

  10. 🍽️ Fridge Leftovers AI - Turn those leftovers into mouth-watering dishes.

  11. 🧑‍🎤 Anime Ai Chat - Engage in conversations with 100,000+ anime characters.

  12. 🎙️ Smooth Talker - Flex your flirting muscle with AI characters.

  13. 💌 Love Letter Generator - Craft romantic love letters easily.

  14. 💑 LoveGenius Sidekick - Your new companion in the dating world.

TAAFT AI Tool Requests

Top 3 most-voted requests (last 3 days)

Looking for a specific AI tool?

Post a request and chances are someone will help you find it or, if it gathers enough votes, someone might create it. 🔍🛠️

Mind-Blowing AI of the Day

Figure 01 + OpenAI

If you don’t have an account on X, you can still view this AI here: https://taaft.notion.site/Figure-01-Conversations-647bbc7b671c464989c3432ad48540c9

Thread of the Day

Effective ChatGPT prompts

Ever feel like your ChatGPT prompts aren’t getting you the responses you’re looking for? It turns out, there's a lot more variety available than you might think.

We've put together a list of eight ways to find some really unique ChatGPT prompts. This thread will give you a wide range of ideas that could really take your ChatGPT interactions to the next level, no matter what you're into. Think of it as expanding your toolkit, but for ChatGPT prompts. 🌐🔍

If you don’t have an account on X, you can still view this thread here: https://taaft.notion.site/Effective-ChatGPT-prompts-d8b8657130304d85971eb7ad271f5cfc

Featured AIs

Featured AI Tools

Note: ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 🎧 Transcript LOL - Fast, accurate transcripts and summaries.

  2.  Taplio - Automate your LinkedIn content creation.

  3. 🖥️ UXSniff - Website insights for improved user experience.

  4. 📝 IllumiDesk - Turn internal training into interactive courses.

  5. 🗣️ Unreal Speech - Affordable solution for speech synthesis.

  6. 📞 Meetz - Schedule and customize email outreach.

  7. 🔍 InLinks - Simplify SEO for content and social media.

Notable AIs

Notable AI Tools

🔍 Osum - Perform deep market research in seconds: Try now (Use checkout code TAAFT for lifetime 25% off)


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With that, this Friday’s issue comes to a close. As you step into the weekend, let these AI tools and insights ignite your own exploration and creativity. Remember to share with your friends, and let's continue to learn and grow together. Adios and have an AI-mazing weekend! 🌞

For the latest AI scoops, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Signing off,

— There’s An AI For That