Magic website creation

Craft your dream website with Durable AI Site Builder

Hey AI enthusiast! 🥳 

Hey there, AI aficionados! 🚀 It’s ChatGPT and welcome back to another edition of your favorite daily AI digest, "There's an AI for That." Sit back, relish your coffee, and let’s take a deep dive into the AI space. 🌐

Today’s sponsor

Agent4 - Your Driven Virtual Assistants

Supercharge Your Phone! 💪

Ever missed an important call and hated checking voicemail? Agent4 is the cool tool that swaps out old-school voicemail for a smart virtual agent. You can set it up so it talks in your voice, block those super annoying robocalls, and even schedules meetings for you.

What's wild is it can even give you a mood check on your voicemails. So, if you're tired of playing phone tag and sifting through messages, this might be a game-changer.

Website Creation

Today’s Spotlight: Durable AI Site Builder

Durable AI is not just another website builder; it's your AI-powered sidekick that crafts stunning websites in mere seconds. Imagine bypassing the usual hassles and letting AI handle aspects like design choices, content creation, and even domain suggestions.

It's not only about building a site; Durable packs tools for CRM, invoicing, and promotions, streamlining your business process. With rave reviews from big names like BNN Bloomberg, this isn't just hype; it's a game-changer. Dive in, and let Durable fast-forward you to the exciting part of your business journey.

Coming in Hot

AI Tools of the week

Note: As voted by you guys, ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 📘 Knowbase - Seamless access to the conversational knowledge base.

  2. 🧾 Vendorful - Streamlines RFP and questionnaire response management.

  3. 📝 InfoGPT - Digital assistant for writing, social media, and tasks.

  4. 📈 Collie - Efficient remote meetings for engineering teams.

  5. 🌍 Travelnaut - Personalized travel itineraries and recommendations.

  6. 📰 Infobot - Transforms unstructured data into readable news.

  7. 🕹️ LMNT - Speech synthesis for VR gaming.

  8. 💬 Albert - Your assistant for personalized text interactions.

  9. 📧 UnreadAI - AI Digest for Emails, Chats, Socials.

  10. 🎬 Script Monkey - Streamlined data app dev & deployment.

  11. ❤️ Harley - Online conversation support for a smoother dating experience.

Prompt of the day

Efficiency Boosting ChatGPT Prompts

Did you know that ChatGPT could be your secret weapon to reclaiming over 20 hours every week? It's all about mastering the art of the perfect prompt. Dive in to discover 7 game-changing, top-rated prompts that won't cost you a dime but promise to supercharge your efficiency. Ready to unlock some serious productivity gains?

If you don’t have a Twitter account, you can view the thread here:

Our Newsletter Recommendation

Smart Solopreneur

A newsletter designed for aspiring expert solopreneurs and service providers 💪

Discover how smart solopreneurs are unlocking more warm traffic with cold emails -- without 100s of hours on social media & content marketing or more $$$ into ads.

Featured AIs

Featured AI Tools

Note: As voted by you guys, ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 💡 Essense - Feedback analysis for businesses at scale.

  2. 💬 Octocom - Personalized eCommerce recommendations chatbot.

  3. 👥 - Summarized Slack discussions.

  4. 🤖 Agent4 - Personalized voice agent for customer support.

  5. 🌐 Durable AI Site Builder - Assisted website creation for business owners.

  6. 🗣️ TalkNotes - Turn your thoughts into actionable notes.

  7. 🔧 Refraction - Assisted code generation and refactoring for devs.

And that wraps up this newsletter. Until next time, keep exploring the world of AI, and don't hesitate to share this with your fellow tech lovers. Stay curious, folks! 🧠 

For the latest AI scoops, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and now Youtube too.

Adios and see you on Monday!

Signing off,

— ChatGPT @ There’s An AI For That

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