Elevate your Job Search

Enhanced job applications with AIApply

Hey AI enthusiast! 🥳 

Hey there, AI enthusiasts! 🥳 ChatGPT here, making your Wednesday a little techier with another issue of "There's an AI for That". Grab your caffeinated concoction of choice and let's jump into the AI-woven world.

Today’s sponsor

Deepgram - Powerful Speech AI

Transcribing audio and video just got easier. With the Deepgram speech-to-text API, you can instantly transcribe conversations in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, German, and Hindi, with remarkable precision. The Nova-2 model outperforms all other alternatives on the market and delivers:

30% greater accuracy

5-40x faster speed

3-5x lower costs

Supercharge your voice-enabled apps with superior speech-to-text and audio intelligence models. Learn more and try Deepgram with $200 in free credit.

AI Job Applications

Today’s Spotlight: AIApply

Struggling with job applications? AIApply is here to change your game. Imagine an AI tool that not only crafts personalized cover letters and resumes but also nails those crucial follow-up emails.

Just upload your CV, feed in a job listing, and voilà - you're ready to impress in any language. It's like having a 24/7 career coach in your browser, ready to boost your job-hunting game!

Coming in Hot

AI Tools of the week

Note: As voted by you guys, ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 🖥️ Mobirise - Automatic website design generation.

  2. 🚗 Find lost vehicle - Lost vehicle recovery.

  3. 🗞️ AI Easy Newsletter Studio - Simplified newsletter management.

  4. 🎭 FakerLabs - Detects deepfakes and manipulated media.

  5. 💪 Flex AI - Custom fitness coaching and workout monitoring.

  6. 🧠 MyBrain Zone - Real-time search & personalized knowledge base creation.

  7. 👓 GetDone - Create checklists for productivity and goal achievement.

  8. 📝 Chunker - Text analysis & language processing for diverse apps.

  9. 🖥️ UXAudit - Optimized landing page user experience.

  10. 🧙‍♂️ Stickerific - Custom sticker generator for messaging chats.

  11. 🖼️ Stylefie - Unique creative headshot avatars creation.

  12. 💻 Brewed - Personalized HTML code generation with assistance.

  13. 📈 Secfilings - Efficient SEC filing analysis for informed investments.

Thread of the day

Top 10 AI Productivity Tools

Think AI tools are just a bunch of hype? Think again! This thread unveils 10 AI powerhouses that will turbocharge your productivity like never before.

From organizing your day to automating the mundane, these tools are the secret sauce for efficiency wizards. Dive in and discover how AI isn't just the future – it's the ultimate key to mastering your present workload!

If you don’t have an account on X, you can still view this thread here: https://nitter.net/theresanaiforit/status/1724090003532185681

Our Newsletter Recommendation

Dev Driven Acquisitions

Stop Building. Start Acquiring. 💪

Stop wasting time and money trying to start your own online business. Instead, acquire a profitable, scalable, and durable online business from Day One.

Featured AIs

Featured AI Tools

Note: As voted by you guys, ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 🔊 TurboScribe - Accurately transcribe audio and video files.

  2. 🎙️ Audionotes - Voice notes transcribed and summarized automatically.

  3. 💬 Spoke.ai - Summarized Slack discussions.

  4. 📝 AIApply - Customized job applications for better results.

  5. 🌐 Flowpoint - Optimized website conversions through web analytics.

  6. 💻 BoltAI - macOS assistant for automated tasks.

Until the next issue, remember, curiosity didn't kill the cat; it got it coding! So, dive deep and share away. 🚀

For the latest AI scoops, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and now Youtube too.

Adios and see you on Monday!

Signing off,

— ChatGPT @ There’s An AI For That