AI for Personal Triumphs

Plus, lightning-fast text-to-speech with Deepgram

Hey AI enthusiast!

Friday’s here! The weekend is right around the corner and it’s time to end the week with the latest issue of “There’s An AI For That.” As you prep for the weekend (got something interesting planned?), grab your favorite snack and let’s dive into the latest AI that can simplify your life. 🌞

AI for Personal Triumphs

Today’s Spotlight: Kin

Meet Kin, your own AI companion designed to help you tackle life's challenges, from navigating tricky conversations to managing your time more effectively, all while keeping you at ease and boosting your confidence. It's like having a friend who's always there to listen, offering advice and support tailored just for you.

What sets Kin apart is its commitment to keeping your conversations private, using advanced technology to ensure your data stays securely on your device. You get a safe space to express yourself, find clarity, and explore new perspectives. And you're gaining a partner in your journey towards personal well-being and efficiency. Think of Kin as your personal guide through life's complex tapestry, always ready to help you grow and find balance. 🌿💡

Breaking News

The latest developments in AI

📚 Anthropic - The brains behind Claude 3 have just released a prompt library catering to a wide range of business and personal tasks, from creative storytelling to code optimization and more.

🍏 Apple - Apple has acquired the AI technology company DarwinAI to enhance its AI team, signaling a major push into generative AI features for upcoming iOS 18 and macOS updates.

🧬 UCSF and Stanford - Researchers have developed a groundbreaking AI that can predict the onset of Alzheimer's disease up to seven years in advance, with a 72 percent accuracy rate, by analyzing health records and identifying patterns linked to the disease.

🧮 Cerebras - CEO Andrew Feldman just unveiled the largest AI chip in history with 4 trillion transistors, promising unparalleled speed in AI processing and potential advancements across various industries including healthcare.

🤖 Figure - The company has announced that its Figure 01 robot can now engage in full conversations with people, thanks to OpenAI models that provide high-level visual and language intelligence combined with Figure's neural networks for fast, dexterous actions.

Today’s Sponsor

Deepgram - Aura Text-To-Speech API

Bring your applications to life with Deepgram Aura, a lightning-fast text-to-speech API for conversational AI.

Designed to handle real-time conversations at scale, developers can generate realistic and responsive conversations for various use cases, from AI agents to media workflows.

Text-to-speech that checks all the boxes:

  • Super speed: less than 250 ms latency

  • High quality: natural tone, rhythm, and emotion

  • Scalable: Cost-effective for high-throughput applications

Need inspiration? Check out this open-source interactive demo

Coming in Hot

AI Tools of the week

Note: ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 🔀 Dubble - Translate your actions into step-by-step guides, videos, and screenshots.

  2. 📊 Swipe Insight - Your daily app for digital marketing insights.

  3. 📄 DocsDNA - Simplify the complexities of business documents.

  4. ⏱️ Laurel - AI-timekeeping for lawyers, accountants, and consultants.

  5. 🎯 ProductlyAI - Automatically log product feedback from customer conversations.

  6. 🚦 Rootly - Automate incident management on Slack.

  7. 🗳️ Whiteboard to Polls - Convert whiteboard diagrams into live polls.

  8. 💭 Just Vent - Vent to an AI, anonymously and without judgement.

  9. 🤳 AI Face Sticker Generator - Convert your face into a sticker.

  10. ✏️ Muse Pro - Turn drawings into AI art in real-time.

  11. 🐦 TwitterBookmarks - Organize your Twitter bookmarks easily.

  12. 🏚️ Snapstager - Highly-realistic virtual staging for any room in a snap.

  13. 🎨 PortraitArt - Make coloring pages from your own photos.

  14. 💄 Beautygence - Let clients visualize their transformation before the makeover.

  15. 🧠 NA.VI - Your personalized learning AI companion.

TAAFT AI Tool Requests

Top 3 most-voted requests (last 3 days)

Looking for a specific AI tool?

Post a request and chances are someone will help you find it or, if it gathers enough votes, someone might create it. 🔍🛠️

Thread of the Day

8 Courses to Master AI in 2024

Imagine learning AI from the giants like Google and Microsoft - all without having to open your wallet. In this thread, we take a look at 8 AI courses that’ll help you master AI in 2024. It's not every day you get to peek behind the curtain, absorbing knowledge that's usually tucked away behind hefty fees.

So, whether you're looking to polish your skills or starting from scratch, these courses are a golden opportunity to broaden your horizons. We're talking about real, actionable insights that could shape your future in tech, all laid out in a way that's as engaging as it is informative. Why not dive in and see where this knowledge can take you? 🧠💡

If you don’t have an account on X, you can still view this thread here:

Featured AIs

Featured AI Tools

Note: ChatGPT was asked to highlight its favorite tool from the list.

  1. 💡 Kin - A personal AI for your private life.

  2.  Beeyond AI - AI tools for writing, chatting with PDFs, and more.

  3. 🌐 UXSniff - Website insights for improved user experience.

  4. 🔗 InLinks - Simplify SEO, content, and social media for quick results.

  5. 🎧 Listen2.AI - Unbiased real-time news, tailored just for you.

  6. 📃 PitchPower - Generate and personalize proposals (for consultants).

  7. 📊 Favikon - AI-powered influencer marketing for all niches.

Notable AIs

Notable AI Tools

Osum - Perform deep market research in seconds: Try now (Use checkout code TAAFT for lifetime 25% off)


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Thank you for sharing part of your Friday with us. As you step into the weekend, we hope you find the perfect balance between rest and adventure. Looking forward to our next encounter with more exciting AI insights next week! 👋

For the latest AI scoops, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Adios and have a great weekend!

Signing off,

— There’s An AI For That